I am an atheist.
To be "fair" to the true believers, who think they have something good to sell - "salvation" - atheists have NOTHING to sell (both literally and figuratively).
There are, of course "militant atheists" who feel threatened by believers and feel they need to win arguments against them.
I'm not a militant atheist. I describe myself as a "non-practicing atheist". It's an atheist KOAN; dig it?
I believe I have a true and accurate understanding of the nature of the universe. If I do, nothing can change that reality. Similarly, if Ahura-Mazda is really King of Kings and Lord of Lords, his position is not threatened by my disbelief.
Jehovah, on the other hand, is a bit different. He is insecure and craves - DEMANDS - worship. Without it he will wither and die, like the Forgotten nameless gods who came before him. That insecurity on the part of Jehovah-El-Allah is reflected in the minds of the persons whose brains he inhabits, which is why the Middle East is the bastion of peace and brotherhood that it is today.